Thursday, April 23, 2020

[Short Read] The Semi-Science of MCU’s Intergalactic Communications : Considering the Lightspeed Limit

We have seen in the MCU movies that the advanced civilizations like the Kree, the Skrull and the Xandarians have technologies to communicate over very large distances in space. How large? As I have explained in a previous article, the field of operations of these civilizations is probably extended over one galaxy (our galaxy, Milky Way), or a few nearby galaxies. This means, the distances to be covered can range from a hundred thousand to several million lightyears. How do they communicate over such distances in real-time?

Let me elaborate the problem. The communication must happen by using some electromagnetic signal. But such a signal travels at lightspeed. So, there is no way that the signal can establish a real-time communication across millions of lightyears of distances. Then, how does the communication happen? We shall find an answer here.

As I have explained in the same previous article, the advanced civilizations use an established space-traffic system — the jump point technology — to travel vast distances within their field of operations. This technology consists of a vast grid of wormholes, connecting the destination places. The openings of this grid near the destination places are seen as the jump points. In my theory, the civilizations use the same technology for communication also. When they send a signal, it reaches the nearby jump point at lightspeed. From there it travels through the grid to reach the jump point nearest to the destination. Then it exits the grid through that jump point, and travels through regular space again to reach the receiver.

I believe that all Kree soldiers compulsorily learn the basics of this technology as a part of their training. When Carol Danvers (before becoming Captain Marvel) came to earth as a Kree soldier, she was able to manipulate a telephone to communicate with Yon Rogg. Later she also modified Nick Fury’s pager such that it was able to send signal to her even when she was at a distant planet. These actions imply that she must have rewired/reprogrammed the devices in such a way that these were able to generate a signal which could enter the jump points. As shown in the movies, there is a jump point in the outer space very close to earth. Her modified signal must have contained some special code that would allow the signal to enter this jump point.

Instead of the above method, can the civilizations use quantum entanglement or tachyons to achieve superluminal communication through regular space? The answer is, ‘No.’ The fact that quantum entanglement cannot be used for real-world superluminal communication is not a technological limit, but a limit of fundamental physics. Still, for the sake of the story, let us consider for a moment that it is possible. But then, Carol would never have been able to modify the earth-made devices to send such a signal. Since old earth-made devices are used, the signal is definitely a regular electromagnetic signal.

What do you think about this possible method for intergalactic communication? Do you have any other method in mind? Let me know in the comments below.

P.S. Communication in the Whole Universe

This method I have described here allows communication to happen only within one galaxy or a few nearby galaxies — where the jump point technology is operational. When Carol was a Kree soldier, she traveled only within these galaxies. So she must have modified Nick Fury’s pager in the above method to keep communication only within these galaxies. But, as mentioned in Avengers Endgame, currently she operates in the entire universe. How can she still receive signals from the pager then? I shall write about it in a future post. 

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[Short Read] The Semi-Science of MCU’s Intergalactic Communications : Considering the Lightspeed Limit

We have seen in the MCU movies that the advanced civilizations like the Kree, the Skrull and the Xandarians have technologies to commu...

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